Friday, September 26, 2014

Teachers are RIGHT about Proofreading

Sometimes It Seems Like All The Teacher Talks About is PROOFREADING


Proofreading involves a sometimes tedious task of examining your text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling.

So WHY is proofreading so important? 
I mean, computers can take care of it pretty simply.  
So WHY is the teacher nagging us?

Well...Sometimes you have to write things that aren't involving a computer and spell check. 

I had to laugh at some of these proofreading mistakes: 

Writing Teachers, English Teachers, Writers, Editors, and Students Need to Focus on 

Proofreading....or is it Proof Reading? 

Let's Eat Grandma Commas Save Lives Poster
Let's Eat Grandma Commas Save Lives Poster by The_Shirt_Yurt

Hay, eye hope ewe hav a grate dya!

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